It is NOT Christmas Season yet. Or at least, it doesn’t have to be. While most people in the U.S. are running around crazy prepping for The Holidays, my husband and I are struggling to get through Birthday Season. Our daughter’s birthday actually fell ON Thanksgiving this year. And my birthday is exactly two weeks […]
This is an interesting Christmas Eve.

It’s an interesting Christmas Eve because… My hubz is at work today. He is pulling a double shift – open to close – which means he won’t be home till tonight. Poor Jesse. I’m so grateful for all the hours he puts in at his crap-tastic job. Which is why I’m focusing harder on my […]
Easter is Christmas #2
Easter is Christmas #2 because of “Wish Lists”. When I was a kid, the Easter Bunny brought cute little dollar store items like crayons and bubbles and rinky-dink shit like that. And candy, of course. Lots of candy. There were always two bunnies, one chocolate and one stuffed. And that was pretty much *IT*. No […]
Dear Everyone to Whom I Would Have Sent Christmas Cards
… if I did that sort of thing. I always MEAN to send cards. I really do. I have all these great intentions of sitting down over Thanksgiving weekend and busting out with the Merries and the Hollies and the Hoo-rahs and the Go-Go-Gadget-Decorations-Galore. But it just doesn’t happen. Because of REASONS. WHY I DON’T […]
Christmas Letters
It’s about to be all Christmas and whatnot, which sucks for my blogging schedule. I had this other post planned which had to do with the fact that it’s not fair how sucky writing and crappy blogs get high page ranks because they do all this spammy bullshit that apparently works. But that topic is […]
Holiday Wish List
This year, each member of my family has asked for a PONY on their Holiday Wish List. If you ask for the pony, you might get the roller skates, so always be sure to include one impossible item on your wish list. Plus? You never know — someday you might actually GET the pony, and […]
What’s Up Wenzday — Holiday Donation Edition
Dolly for Sue
We’re All a Little Bit Dolly Today my sister and I were all yacky-yacky like normal, Skypin‘ it up about this-n-that nonsense like we always do. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a wild question appeared: WTF was Dolly for Sue‘s major malfunction? Seriously — why the hellz was she on the Island of Misfit Toys? There’s […]