What’s Up Wenzday 09/26/12
There will be plenty of changes coming to this here bloggy-blog, but one facet I intend to keep at all costs is my weekly “What’s Up Wenzday” series. I like it because writing it keeps me grounded. I’m forced to think back over the last seven days and consider what’s worth repeating.
Furthermore, I’m encouraged to concentrate on My Happiness Project on a regular basis, which is a good thing. “Happy is a Choice,” remember?
And finally, it’s a weekly reminder that I need to put more effort into my Wippy-Doodle. So whatever schedule updates occur, you can count on my weekly update on Wenzday to keep us all straight. And Zeus knows I need all the fracking help I can get!
This is the seventh week of Andi-Roo’s Happiness Project, based on Gretchen Rubin’s blog.
Happiness Project Assignment #7: Choose a Theme Song.
“find a song you love that fills you with happy feelings
of love, gratitude, energy, or nostalgia…
Research shows that listening to music
is an extremely effective way to boost mood and energy.
It is an excellent way to induce a mood.”
I have to be honest. I already have a theme song, so this exercise was no stretch for me. Ever since my Ally McBeal days — in particular, the episode starring Tracey Ullman — I’ve loved having a specific go-to song to cheer me up in times of caca-explosion. I am a firm believer that we all need some kind of happy tune to play in our heads to make us feel better.
My Personal Theme Song:
“Feelin’ Groovy” by Simon and Garfunkle. More appropriately titled “The 59th Street Bridge Song”, this ditty cheers me up like no other.
My mom-in-law likes to sing “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” to me when I’m ranting about something or other. It’s like our private “ha-ha” moment.
And my sister likes to pet my foot as she opens her eyes wide and pretends to be completely serious about belting out the theme song to “My Little Pony”.
These are absolutely fabulous moments, and when either of them is near me, these songs work wonders. Unfortunately, I can’t carry people around in my purse, so sometimes I am left to my own devices. “Feelin’ Groovy” never fails to lessen my anger with a stupid planet gone wild with overgrown monkeys.
You should try it sometime. Or better yet, get your own Personal Theme Song, and tell me what it is! I’d love to have a repertoire of tunes from which to pull!
If you missed the first few weeks of my Happiness Project, or want to catch up on the Assignments so you can create your OWN Happiness Project, here are the links:
1. Create a list of Personal Commandments.
2. Choose a Personal Symbol representative of you and your Happiness Project.
3. Think about ways to Have More Fun.
4. Find a Place of Refuge to visit when you have to count to ten.
5. Go outside.
6. Find your own Koan.
Last week I hinted that tragedy occurred in the land of writing. It’s true. Tragedy did indeed occur. I had submitted the first two chapters of the novel I’m currently developing to a writing contest sponsored by StumbleUpon. I was totally in the Top Ten — even better, I was in the Top Three, which is excellent as the ten bestest pieces would move on to the next level, where they were to be further judged by more professional eyes.
Sadly, the monkeys in charge of the contest opened voting before all the pieces were submitted. So now we have to start all over. I was walking on air for approximately three days, before it became clear that the entire board was wiped clean. Then I plummeted into the depths of despair.
Okay, not despair, maybe, but I was pretty fucking pissed. And disappointed. And irate. Plus a bunch of other adjectives. But you get the idea.
So anyway, I was at the top, only to get knocked down to the bottom of the mountain. After spending a few days cursing and being bitter, I decided to begin the climb with some better gear. This time, I plan to take the contest by force. I’m counting on you to help make that happen.
If you already voted for my story during the original period, I really appreciate it, and humbly request you do so again (unless you’ve already done so! Don’t vote for me twice during this session, or you’ll risk your vote being nixed!).
If you missed voting the first time around, I respectfully ask you to consider doing so this time around. You’ll need a StumbleUpon account (it’s free to set up!), and then simply follow this link <Get Discovered Contest entries>, choose my piece (“Green Market”), and give it a “Thumbs Up”. Easy!
Thanks in advance for your support, friends!
And that’s what’s up Wenzday.
Hope your Hump-Day is full of hump-ish good times.
I’d love to hear what’s up with YOUR Wenzday!
And please tell me how *YOUR* Happiness Project is coming along ~
What’s *YOUR* Personal Theme Song?
[…] 7. Theme Song […]