In which Fucking February is no more. #ROW80 #IWSG #NaNoPrep Whut. Does the term “Fucking February” offend your delicate person? HAVE YOU EVEN MET ME. Moving on… January was pretty terrific in terms of how well I lived up to my 2016 One Word Theme {FOCUS} but the following month — what I refer to as […]
Fair enough. #ROW80
Fair enough. #ROW80 tl;dr for A Round of Words in 80 Days participants – My one word for 2016 is FOCUS and for the first round of ROW80 I am focusing on my routines. January’s focus in particular is on my morning routine. Gold stars are raining. The End. During the first three weeks of January, I was regularly maintaining my morning […]
Using a planner for #ROW80
Using a planner for #ROW80 tl;dr for A Round of Words in 80 Days participants – My one word for 2016 is FOCUS and for the first round of ROW80 I am concentrating on my routines. January’s focus is on my morning routine. I’ve had more success completing my morning routine in part thanks to my planner. The […]
Have a dead mermaid for January 2016 #IWSG + #ROW80
Have a dead mermaid for January 2016 #IWSG + #ROW80 The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Last year was not lucrative insofar as words written, projects completed, or life lived. I pretty much held on daily […]
Focus. {January: Morning Routine} #ROW80
Focus. {January: Morning Routine} #ROW80 New Year. New resolutions. Bah. Humbug. I am over resolutions. I never even last three days with those things. And they are always the same ones (write so many words; lose weight; stop drinking pop). And by February I hate myself for failing. And then I sink rapidly into the […]
Magic Eight Ball – #ROW80 #NaNoPrep
I have a Magic Eight Ball The Magic Eight Ball sits upon my desk. It used to belong to my son, but almost-22-year-olds know everything and no longer need magic in their lives. That’s fine, dude. Whatever. You loved that thing back when you were ten, but I don’t mind storing it, along with all the other non-magical items you […]
Autumnal New Beginnings
I have been thinking a lot about New Beginnings. I am a big fan of Clean Slates, Fresh Starts, and New Beginnings. Mondays provide this feeling on a weekly basis, and I awaken every week with a sense of renewed vigor to pay special attention to my schedule. The first day of any month offers […]
Monday, #ROW80, + #NaNoCamp
Hooray for Monday! And hooray for the first Monday of the month! I guess hooray, too, for the first Monday of NaNo Camp, although that’s neither here nor there. NaNo is based more on the numerical date than on what day of the week it is. The fact that it’s Monday means way less than the fact that […]
In January I did the things. #ROW80
I did things. #ROW80
And this is why I love A Round of Words in 80 Days. It makes me do things. So that then I can proudly proclaim to all… I DID THINGS! I did things: Writing things. While I have done a bunch of administrative house-cleaning on my work-in-progress, THE HEART OF THE GREENE, I haven’t really […]
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