R, S, U, and Z are for UNDERWRITERS checking credit REPORTS for SECURED Credit Cards which are ZERO Risk! When our finances got “behind”, we considered selling our children on the black market, but realized this would be an impossible crime to hide from authorities; also, we very much enjoy our children’s company, so we […]
A-Z Tidbits Part 1— #AtoZChallenge

I is for I fell behind! … and that’s okay. Falling behind, falling down, falling to the wayside, falling off the wagon, falling angels, falling all over myself, falling, falling, lala-lala-la… That shit happens, you know? It just does. And I won’t kid myself that this was THE LAST TIME. Nope. I will […]
God Squad – #AtoZChallenge
I considered quitting this whole blogging A-to-Z shindig. I’m so far behind on the A to Z Blogging Challenge, I’ve probably been removed from the list at this point. And maybe that’s a good thing, because some shitty shit has occurred with which I am quite displeased. One of my bloggy friends, Marjorie, has received […]
When Boys Cry – #AtoZChallenge
How do I feel when boys cry? It depends on who is doing the crying. When my hubz cries — which is few and far between, because he is definitely NOT a crier — my heart breaks, because I know something horrendously hurtful has occurred. In the more-than-five years we’ve been together, he has only […]
Aggravation – #AtoZChallenge
April 1 – This day in history: 1392 – earliest recorded association between April 1 and foolishness: an ambiguous reference in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Let the pranking commence. I’ll take a large order of “You’re an idiot!” with a small cup of “I can’t believe you fell for that!” Hold the aggravation. 1663 – Gemert fines unwed motherhood […]