August AtoZ: Quest for Youth Boobs! OMG, I’m talking about boobs! Again with the boobs! Just kidding. I’m not really talking about boobs. Well, not JUST boobs, anyway. That eternal Quest for Youth. And why it’s stupid. Quest for Youth via Facial Work I have a giant mole above my eye. It needs to be […]
Abortion – Join us for a month of Controversy
Abortion Letter A from our August dry run of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge I have had an abortion, and I’m not sorry about it either. If that means we can’t be friends, I guess that’s just the way it is. You probably wouldn’t like me, anyway, though, so I can’t truly be […]
Mother’s Curse
My friend Aaron ( ) over at Dad Blunders – Life As I Know It wrote a fun article last week called “Father’s Curse”, in which he explained how parenting has essentially caused him a loss of independence, skills as a handy man, and intelligence. He wrote that, as a child, he had hoped to “escape […]
Breastfeeding Boobs — Blogging from A to Z Challenge April 2012
Breastfeeding is good. Before I get too far into this post, I want to make a couple things clear. First, I think breastfeeding is awesome, healthy, fabulous, and definitely the way to go if you are both able AND willing. I know all about that whole great-for-immune-system and avoid-ear-infections stuff (although I nursed my son […]
Women Suck
<a href=’’><br /> <img alt=” border=’0′ height=’60’ src=’′ width=’468’/></p> <p> </a><br /> Mommy Wars: Reason #1 Women Suck Right now I’m in a crappy mood. I just finished reading an argument between two moms verbally beating each other over the head because each believed her way was not only the BEST way, but was truly […]
Stay at Home Mom versus Working Mom — This is just a stupid fight
3 Reasons the Fight Over Working or Staying Home is Stupid I’m so sick of the Mommy Wars I want to punch every woman I know in the vagina to make them stop judging each other. And now I’ve just judged other women myself, but trust me, you are not aiming violence at my poo-nanny. […]