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I will live in the now, but refer to my comment on part 2 of the Fear posts as to my limitations. ;-)
Understood, & agreed. No heights for Amberr --- CHECK! But since it's never gonna happen, we will just not worry about it, right? lolz
[…] I explained on this here bloggy-blog why Living in the NOW is important in facing down […]
[…] out isn’t around long enough to feel the burn, and thus would not cause me to pee my pants in fear. Penelope and Chelsea — they make me want to run and […]
[…] Why all this talk of fear? Part1 by Andi Brunett-Libecap. The hardest part of Living in the NOW and not letting FEAR keep you stuck in the past, reliving your terror and confused how such horror could befall, is remembering that after you let the FEAR go, it’s going to return at some point. […]