What’s Up Wenzday Point #1:
A note of clarification —
Not sure I have anything to clarify this week. No one has really pissed me off too much. You’ve all been really great, earthlings. Thank you for that. No, for realz.
On a similar, upbeat note, I am ecstatic that my children are both back home. My 18-yr-old son spent a week camping with all his buddies before everyone heads off to their various colleges and careers this fall. And my 7-yr-old daughter spent a week at my mom’s house for what she likes to call “Nana Camp”. This left me and the hubz home alone, with no one to entertain us. We got a lot of writing done. How romantic! In no way whatsoever…
What’s Up Wenzday Point #2:
My Happiness Project—
This is the third week of Andi-Roo’s Happiness Project, based on Gretchen Rubin’s blog.
The first assignment was to come up with your own list of twelve commandments. My Personal Commandments are fifteen in number, but they make me happy so I’m okay with that. Rules are generally just guidelines, not black-n-white, arbitrary laws which will explode the planet if broken.
The second assignment was to decide upon a symbol representative of you and your Happiness Project. I chose the sun as My Personal Symbol. Because I’m just so bright, You’re gonna wanna wear shades in my presence. Yep, I just said that.
Happiness Project Assignment #3
I have recently discovered that it’s okay to look foolish in front of people. Mostly because I finally realized that most people don’t give a crap whether I look stupid or not. For years I would not throw darts or go bowling or dance or sing, because I’d never learned how. I was so afraid that people were judging me, my heart would seize up, and I’d make a big scene out of NOT engaging in the group activity.
I sing out loud a lot now. My voice isn’t terrific, but it doesn’t entirely suck, either. I can absolutely KILL a hot, sexy version of Jingle Bell Rock. And “Foolish Games” by Jewel. And “La Isla Bonita” by Madonna. And “The Reason” by Hoobastank. My sister sings better than I do, though. You should hear her rip out a version of The Little Mermaid’s “Part of Your world”.
Over the last several years I have thrown darts at my parents’ house during family get-togethers with my sister and her family. My hubz is a patient partner. We cheer when I hit the board. We laugh when I hit the wall. One time we even won a game — with my help, too! Throwing darts is fun, even when I’m abysmal.
The last couple weeks have found us at the bowling alley. We had my 7-yr-old daughter with us, so we used bumpers. She had never even been bowling and she had to roll the ball between her legs rather than use a traditional approach. My daughter beat me. My hubz was whiny because he didn’t get as many strikes as he used to get in his youth. We played again the following week, while my daughter was on vacation with her other dad. I got a couple strikes this time, and even managed to beat 100 during one game. Bowling is fun, even when I’m abysmal.
For both darts and bowling, I had to convince my daughter that it’s okay to look dumb. She was too afraid to try, because she didn’t already know how to do these things. It took me almost forty years to figure out that trying new things means you’re going to suck, and that you might always suck, and that the point isn’t how much you suck, but how much fun you have. I’m hoping she doesn’t take as long to understand this. She seems to enjoy trying to hit the dartboard and knock over bowling pins now.
I guess for both of us — me as an adult, and she as my child — we need to develop a habit of trying new things. Of risking foolishness. Of being bad at things. Of laughing at ourselves.
On the other hand, I also know things that AREN’T fun for me. Riding in a boat. Drinking Pepsi instead of Coke, or drinking Diet anything. Gardening. Shopping. Trying on clothes. Matching up socks. So I refrain from these activities. Think I’m lying? Our groceries all come from either Amazon or Schwans so that none of us has to waste our limited time and energy engaging in drudgery. All the socks go in a box — they’re all white so it isn’t difficult for each person to match up his or her own pair. Once I know something fits, I purchase multiples of it online so we don’t have to step foot in a mall.
Knowing what you like to do is as important as knowing what you DON’T like to do. I can have fun by avoiding things that AREN’T fun.
What’s Up Wenzday Point #3:
My Work in Progress, or as I like to call it, my wippy-doodle!
My fun science-fiction novel, Green Market, is coming along nicely — slow and steady wins the race. In re-working the first chapter, I only added about three more pages, rounding out each section per my outlined notes. Added some action to the opening sequence, more dialogue to the middle bit, and an extra background character toward the end of the chapter whom I’m hoping to shape into part of the back story. I was supposed to expand Chapter 2 as well, but I suppose I will get to that this week. I’m trying not to stress over it — that way lies madness. Or, in my case, avoidance. So long as I keep up my enthusiasm a few pages at a time, I’m still proud to call myself a Writer — that’s right, capital “W”, and kiss my grits if you don’t like it!
What’s Up Wenzday Point #4:
Bonus Material —
The hubz and I are trying to quit smoking. We never light up in the house, in our vehicle, or anywhere near the kids. But still, it’s a dirty habit we want to drop. And it’s making life suck. We’re cranky and full of not-nice-ness. So find glory in the fact that this post was published today.
And that’s what’s up Wenzday.
Hope your Hump-Day is full of hump-ish good times.
I’d love to hear what’s up with YOUR Wenzday!
And please tell me how *YOUR* Happiness Project is coming along!
[…] 3. Think about ways to Have More Fun. […]
[…] 3. Have More Fun […]