What’s Up Wenzday Point #1:
A Note of Clarification —
February is great for, like, love and shit like that. But it sucks major donkey balls with regard to energy and motivation and personal growth and related types of activities. February is, like, “I am grey, I thrive on your personal joy, and I eat your brain cells. I live on your spirit and will suck you dry of any will to live.”
I mean, WTF do you say to someone who is so mean at you in this manner? And then, February bats its fake eyelashes at you and hides behind Valentine’s Day. WHATEVER, fucking February. I see you over there. As soon as I can muster up my moxy, which I seem to have misplaced, I’ma come over there and bust that ass.
You know how February responds? Yeah, you know. February replies, “What, THIS moxy?”
Bitch stole my fucking moxy.
What’s Up Wenzday Point #2:
My Happiness Project —
“Homework V” by
This week’s assignment is “to emulate someone who is more confident than you are.”
Oddly enough, I will not have to perform this exercise. I have a lot of confidence in myself at this point. Some people gain confidence by imagining everyone in their underwear, thereby putting oneself in the overhead position of being the only one dressed in a crowd of near-nudes. I kind of one-up that feeling. I don’t have to imagine a damn thing. All I have to do is remember the plumbing that makes up each man and woman, and I know that there is absolutely not one single person who is better than I. Seriously. Penis or vagina? That junk is all hilarious. And it’s all messy and disgusting and hot and bothered and wet or dry or whatever. It’s all fucked up.
And EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of you has one of these parts.
If that’s too crass, just keep in mind that we all have buttholes, out of which duke is excreted. That is enough to remind me that we are, indeed, all the fucking same.
My problems with esteem arise not from a lack thereof, but from the amount some people seem to carry about like a god damn mountain stuffed into a Hello Kitty backpack. I’m like, “Bitch, just because you are wearing five-krillion-dollar shoes, don’t go thinking you’re better than me! If anything, I’m better than *YOU* because who’s the dumb-dumb that spent so much on material bullshit?” I don’t get upset with people being “BEING” better than me (because I know they aren’t); I get upset with people THINKING they’re better than me. Which is why I avoid playdates and Starbucks like the fucking plague.
If my methodology doesn’t work for you, but you still want to figure out how be more confident, I highly recommend trying things out Julian’s way. The end result is what counts, not how you get there.
What’s Up Wenzday Point #3:
Goal / Dream / Target / Plan Assessment —
1. Attend a writing critique group every month: Next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 7.
Skipped because fucking February zombied my ass. Fresh start this weekend, new dates posted next Wednesday. Personal Commandment: Don’t stop starting.
2. *Attend a book club meeting every month: Next meeting is Sunday, Feb. 10.*
Skipped because fucking February zombied my ass. Fresh start this weekend, new dates posted next Wednesday. Personal Commandment: Don’t stop starting.
3. *Add another online job by Jan. 31. /// FAIL! /// New Date: Feb. 9.*
Skipped because fucking February zombied my ass. Fresh start this weekend, new dates posted next Wednesday. Personal Commandment: Don’t stop starting.
4. Lose 50 pounds in 2013 /// Lose 3-5 pounds each month /// Walk 2+ miles daily.
I haven’t been checking my weight, because at the beginning of this month I had gained back the two pounds I lost. Fucking scale. On the bright side. I actually walked my two-mile route three times over the last seven days, and am enjoying the steady march across around as my leg muscles burn uphill and down. I’m looking forward to going tomorrow, too!
Personal Commandments: “Just show up,” and “Do the work.”
5. *Minimize, organize, and clean the crap in my office by Feb. 15.*
I have been busting my ass, on and off, over the last couple weeks to finish up in time to start my decorating projects. But I know I’m not going to make this deadline. However, I’m not terribly upset because the point is improvement and forward motion, not “all or nothing” winner takes all. It certainly looks a hell of a lot better than it did a month ago!
Personal Commandment: Perfection is the enemy of Progress and Production.
6. Complete PLOT & STRUCTURE by Friday, Feb. 15.
Skipped because fucking February zombied my ass. Fresh start this weekend, new dates posted next Wednesday. Personal Commandment: Don’t stop starting.
7. Complete WIP by Sep. 30 /// add 6K new words by Thursday, Feb. 28.
I wanted to lie to you on this one, but NO. I will just be honest. Skipped because fucking February zombied my ass. Fresh start this weekend, new dates posted next Wednesday. Personal Commandment: Don’t stop starting.
8. Ride an elephant. For realz.
Um. Whot?
What’s Up Wenzday Point #4:
Bonus Material — What I’ve been reading!
Still reading THY NEIGHBOR by Norah Vincent, whom I love and adore whether fiction or non. Over half-way through the book and loving the mystery. Can’t wait to see how it unfolds.
On my iPod, I’m about to finish up DEAD BEAT by Jim Butcher, and *WOW* is it fun. An unexpected turn of events cropped up about half-way through and I am looking forward to seeing how it gets wrapped up. I’m guessing all loose ends won’t be tied at the conclusion of this novel, so I already have the next installment of the series on request from the library.
I think the next book to which I listen will be EXPLOSIVE EIGHTEEN by Janet Evanovich. It’s the same type of fun “reluctant detective gets dragged into beating crime and solving mystery” story that I need to relax to from time-to-time while putting away laundry and going on my walks.
And that’s what’s up Wenzday.
Hope your Hump-Day is full of hump-ish good times.
I’d love to hear what’s up with *YOUR* Wenzday.
Please tell me about your Happiness Project, how your Homework is coming along, and what books you have loved lately!
[…] February I fell into a Depression, thanks to grey skies, too much snow, and a Vitamin D deficiency. […]