What’s Up Wenzday Point #1:
A Note of Clarification —
Last week was all kinds of fucked. First, there was sleeping, which had a lot to do with all this damn snow. I’m so sick of snow I want to punch the next snowman I see in the wiener, and I’m not even joking. There were snow days, so my girl got to stay home with me and snuggle, except that she has revealed that at the ripe old age of EIGHT she might have outgrown snuggling. But only with Mommy. She still likes Daddy-snuggles. This, straight from her own lips. I’m all, “Come gimme a kiss!” … and she’s curled up in Daddy’s lap giggling, “No, I don’t want to, heehee-haha!” … because, you know, that shit’s funny. Except that it’s not.
So while all that was happening, or not happening, or whatever, my broke my bloggy-blog. He told me it had something to do with plug-ins not working together properly, or something like that. I don’t really know, because honestly I don’t listen when he talks computer-ish shit at me. I’m like, “Dude, I don’t care. I write shit and forward it to you. Post it, don’t post, whatever. I’ve already moved on.” Which explains why I’m so shitty at responding to comments. He is definitely the professional in this household. Poor guy.
So there we were all snowed in and sleepy and blog-sploded. And that’s what happened to last week’s What’s Up Wenzday. I’m sorry, you guys. Still friends?
What’s Up Wenzday Point #2:
My Happiness Project —
“Homework IV” by
This week’s assignment is “to connect with at least one person who should still be in your life, but isn’t.”
Oh, SNAP. I’ve been talking about this with my on-n-off over the last couple months. And it’s also part of why I’m “forcing” myself to join writing and reading clubs (establishing myself in society and creating connections with other human beings, that is). This assignment is pretty timely for me, and hits me right where I need it most.
So, this week I’m going to call two of my local friends, Sandy and Krysta, and plan a get-together with each of them. Neither will make me feel awkward for not getting in touch for months on end; it’s not like they’ve called me, either. Lucky for me, they don’t keep score, either. Both are super sweet ladies and I have missed them.
Why did it take an eight-month-old blog post from some guy with whom I’ve never even talked to kick my ass into gear? That’s just sad and pathetic. I’m a terrible person. Blah.
What’s Up Wenzday Point #3:
Goal / Dream / Target / Plan Assessment —
1. Attend a writing critique group every month: Next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 7.
a. Must: Prepare next 3 pages; print and staple 11 copies; confirm time, address, and reservation.
—DONE! — Well, partly, anyhow. The pages are prepared, but still need to be printed. And I haven’t double-checked the new address, either. Because I like to panic at the last minute and as I’m sitting in my car about to pull out onto the road, scream, “SHIT! Where the fuck am I driving to, again!?”
b. Enjoy: Add page numbers and footers; see who else is attending.
—DONE! — Well, I added all those headers and footers and whatnot. That shit thrills me. I love fonting it up. Best part of the process, IMO. Still gotta check for other attendees.
c. Inspired: Spruce up dialogue!
—DONE! — *and there was much throwing of glitter!*
2. *Attend a book club meeting every month: Next meeting is Sunday, Feb. 10.*
a. Must: Call to inquire as to book title; reserve copy; read or at least skim material.
—DONE! SLAUGHTER-HOUSE FIVE by Kurt Vonnegut, which I’ve only read a krillion times. My son has a copy somewhere around here, but maybe I’m better off just picking up a copy from the library. He just laughed maniacally when I asked him to find it for me.
b. Enjoy: Look up alternate summaries, reviews, author bio, and official website.
c. Inspired: Look for potential book club questions.
3. *Add another online job by Jan. 31. /// FAIL! /// New Date: Feb. 9.*
a. Must: Examine list of possibilities; pick 5; apply and pursue.
b. Enjoy: Delete losers from bookmarks.
c. Inspired: Contact a certain person and ask certain questions (sorry so cryptic!).
4. Lose 50 pounds in 2013 /// Lose 3-5 pounds each month /// Walk 2+ miles daily.
a. Must: Set alarm; disregard weather; set out first thing each morning by 9am.
—DONE! — insofar as I went out on Sunday. But Monday it was snowing too hard again, and I’m sorry, but fuck that. Then on Tuesday I thought with all that snow on the ground it would be too dangerous to run, by which of course I mean jog, by which of course I mean walk.
Still, ONCE trumps ZERO every.damn.time. You can tweet that, motherfucker.
b. Enjoy: Add new book to iPod.
—DONE! — Currently listening to DEAD BEAT by , and it is lots of fun. I just love this series, particularly via audio because it’s read by James Marsters — the guy who played Spike on Buffy and its spin-off, Angel. His voice and tone are perfect to convey the trials of Harry Dresden.
c. Inspired: Get new sneaks as this pair is seriously killing my left heal. Probably because it’s the only pair of sneaks I’ve worn, almost daily, for over two years now.
5. *Minimize, organize, and clean the crap in my office by Feb. 15.*
a. Must: Empty shelves, boxes, and drawers; donate last of the books; dust and vacuum.
— DONE! — in a vague, only sorta-kinda way, in which many boxes are gone, some light vacuuming took place, and the desk drawers are sorted. Still much work to be done, but I’m getting antsy to move on to the decorating stage. Have some nifty ideas picked up off DIY organizing and beautifying sites.
b. Enjoy: Choose which books stay in office and arrange them on desk and shelves.
c. Inspired: Consolidate bulletin board over desk (prep for decorating project!).
6. Complete PLOT & STRUCTURE by Friday, Feb. 15.
a. Must: Read it and do the exercises.
b. Enjoy: Take notes.
c. Inspired: Read more of Bell’s blog posts.
7. Complete WIP by Sep. 30 /// add 6K new words by Thursday, Feb. 28.
a. Must: Write 300 words daily, or thereabouts.
— DONE! — in a vague, I didn’t do a word count because I rewrote several pages, way. Also, I’m considering changing the title from GREENE MARKET to just simply THE GREENE. Just an idea I’m tossing around as the characters continue going four-wheeling off their pre-plotted course.
I’m all, “Fine, you assholes. Go your own way. But I still get to pick your name. mwa-ha-ha!”
… and then the youngest character is like, “Whatever, bitch. BTW, you got my name wrong. It isn’t Tipton, it’s Emahl. Boo-yah!”
What a snot-faced jerk-hole. I kind of hate him, because he is the one throwing my outline to the winds more than any of them. Turns out, he is kind of important. Good for him, because otherwise I would have his ass thrown over a god damn cliff. He isn’t even a main character so I don’t know who the hellz he thinks he is.
b. Enjoy: Outline timeline and fill in the blanks with story.
c. Inspired: Warm up by adding to Sekret Project (BITES OF THE APPLE).
— FAIL! — but not my fault. For realz! Just hear me out: My log-in for the app I normally use hasn’t been working. I spent like a krillion hours trying to figure out just WTF was going on there. Finally it occurred to me that I have all my work saved elsewhere for just such an eventuality, so ((( BIG DUH! ))) I could actually skip the broken app and just go write the damn pages. I’ll be catching up this week.
8. Ride an elephant. For realz.
a. Must: Use Google to find out what’s near me; make some phone calls.
b. Enjoy: My 8-year-old daughter says I should just make a wish in a wishing well. This, from the same child whose dream is “to swim with the dolphins!”
c. Inspired: Ask around on and ; find a wishing well.
What’s Up Wenzday Point #4:
Bonus Material — What I’ve been reading!
Just finished reading the first book in a new YA series — PLANESRUNNER by Ian McDonald, and it was a doozy of a good time. I can’t wait to read the next book. It’s like a cross of Dr. Who with Fringe and Sliders — lots of moving around in different dimensions and trying to keep the technology out of the hands of the bad guys. Very cool stuffs.
Am currently reading THY NEIGHBOR by the extremely talented Norah Vincent, whom I will always adore because, in addition to the fact that she is simply one of the most marvelous writers of our time, she responded personally to an email I sent, and in doing so provided one of my Personal Commandments: “Speak as gently to yourself as you would to a child.” Anyway, I’m only a couple chapters in and am already hooked. Her writing style is so lush, but not overly pretentious. It just feels nice going down, ya know what I mean? *LOVE*
Finished up listening to Stephen King’s THE WIND THROUGH THE KEYHOLE, newest addition to the Dark Tower series, which fans are delighted to learn is not in actuality complete. Cannot say enough how awesome it was to read (hear) more about Roland’s world!
Finally, I completed the very enjoyable FUZZY NATION by , whom I love-love-love. Mr Scalzi writes great sci-fi and never fails to put me in a good mood. He also writes a great blog. FUZZY NATION is funny, endearing, and overall quite enjoyable. You should def. read it.
And that’s what’s up Wenzday.
Hope your Hump-Day is full of hump-ish good times.
I’d love to hear what’s up with *YOUR* Wenzday.
Please tell me about Happiness Project, how your Homework is coming along, and what books you have loved lately!