What Old People and/or Conservatives Don’t Know About Facebook
… and why they won’t jump to Twitter…
I’ve suffered a strange, slow-evolving revelation of late. I can not understand why something posted on is generally received with negative or argumentative comments, while the same information, link, or comment posted on is usually enthusiastically embraced, liked, favorited, and shared. That seems so weird. I mean, Twitter and FaceBook are both forms of social media, right? So reactions from followers should be somewhat the same across the board, right?
Not all forms of social media are equal.
But first, a disclaimer:
If you are under the age of 25, this will not apply and will likely go over your adorable little head, so feel free to skip out.
And if you are over the age of 45, this might come off as insulting, so you should skip out, too.
If you are in my age group, 25-45, I believe you will agree with my assessment.
(But if you don’t, it’s probably because you’re a Conservative, which automatically places you in the 45+ age group, so go ahead and move yourself accordingly. I don’t expect to find many of you reading my blog, however. Unless you’re a hater.)
So back to what I was saying:
Not all forms of social media are equal.
I thought the move from MySpace to FaceBook was extremely painful. I’m a creature of habit, and afraid of “new” programs with which I must start anew in gaining some semblance of comfort. But I did it nonetheless, because everyone else was jumping ship, and I could no longer “chat” with anyone via that dying platform. I guess I’m naive, because I assumed everyone else made the jump with me.
Wrong. Again.
One of my pals, aged around 60-ish, is in a garage-style band. The guys play at local outdoor gatherings. And their main source of promotions are via MySpace.
I don’t know much, but I’m pretty sure that’s NOT the best way to expand. Or at least, sticking solely with MySpace and not embracing any other stage is a sure-fire way to stay stuck. But they have fun, and they aren’t looking to make fist-loads of pesos, so I guess it works for them.
Goodbye, MySpace. Nice knowin’ ya…
That seems to define the majority of those who are left holding up the dregs of MySpace. People who never moved on when the “next best thing” came around. I haven’t visited my own MySpace page in eons. I don’t even remember what it’s called. Once I decided I needed to move, I quickly picked up FaceBook and haven’t turned back since. I recognize it’s out there, floating amongst the muck, but beyond that, I’m OUT.
The Conservatives and/or the people 45+ who, like me, made the switch to FaceBook are parked and unwilling to move again. Like I said, the change was painful. Their number of years pretty much dooms them to inability and lack of interest in taking on one more platform. They’re done. The same way I dropped MySpace like a fucking hot potato, these tired individuals have dropped anything NOT FaceBook like an equally hot potato, sans the F-bomb since they tend to be more gentle than I.
Gentle, and judgmental. And ungenerous in their praise.
Warning: Rant Immanent!
I just have to digress somewhat a moment here and comment about how rude a motherfucker can be while refraining from uttering one curse word. They can make the most harsh, cruel, hurtful statements, and still come out smelling like roses in spite of how ugly they just were. Tear me apart with a fucking stapler, and all that gets remembered later is that they didn’t use a gun. Defend myself with a gun, and all that gets remembered later is that I shot a poor defenseless Conservative who was only wielding a stapler.
I’m not MUCH bitter. This is, however, is exactly why I’m jumping to a new platform. The Nasty Nellies are stuck where they’re at on FaceBook, and happy to be so. They aren’t moving with me.
Yeah, I still check in on my family and friends on my personal FaceBook Page. And of course I’m still updating and growing my (needs must). But the real hype is on Twitter. I’m leaving behind the old people, the Conservatives, the hateful (yet curse-free) diatribes, the shit that goes along with being nice to your long distant Great Aunt Doris whom you’ve only met a handful of times, yet she seems to have a plethora of advice and admonishments regarding your lifestyle choices — from over a billion miles away.
Yeah, that’s what FaceBook has become:
My long lost relatives, my extended family, my overbearing kin who can’t let me be *ME* because they are still overly caught up in who *ME* should “be”.
Well folks, I’m the fucking black sheep. Always have been, and always will. And I like *ME* just fine, potty mouth notwithstanding. My move to Twitter is yet another in a long line of rebellious acts on my part. Against what am I rebelling?
All the a-holes who try to hold me down.
And now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go learn how to use Google+, Stumble Upon, Pinterest, and a zillion other social media platforms. It’s an exciting time to *NOT* be a fucking stick in the mud.
[…] my own post! Damn, I’m funny sometimes inside my own head!). You can enjoy that rant too (What Old People and/or Conservatives Don’t Know About Facebook). Because sharing is caring. You don’t have to thank […]
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