Jonathan Maberry is one hoopy frood. Context is pretty cool too. OMG, you guys. I got to meet Jonathan Maberry and I am still squee-ing all over the damn place. Jonathan fucking Maberry! I had drinks with Jonathan Maberry and he favorited my tweets about him on the Twitters {}. Jonathan zombie-writing Maberry! Okay. Deep breath. […]
The Great and Powerful AtoZ Challenge Theme Reveal
The Great and Powerful Theme Reveal Today is the day, boys and girls. We pull back the curtain and make our announcements. This is when we reveal to the world our AtoZ Challenge Theme. Just gotta climb up on this stage and I will be right with you… I seem to be missing a microphone, […]
Bitstrips win at Facebook.
Bitstrips win at Facebook and now I love Facebook. I know I’m pretty late to this phenomenon, but I figure the party don’t start till I walk in, right? And I have only recently begun playing around with them. I tend to be slow at picking up new trends. That’s because usually your trends are […]
Cemeteries Are Grody
I keep reading all these icky updates. Facebook, Twitter, the Blogosphere — it seems like everyone, everywhere is talking about how awesome it was to visit graveyards this past weekend. And it’s giving me the heebs. Not because I’m an unpatriotic asshole (although this may or may not be true, depending upon your definitions of […]
What I Didn’t Write About
I read a blogging tip several months ago (and of course failed to bookmark it, damn me all to hellz!) that when you are stuck for a topic, you should write for whichever of your categories contains the fewest blog post entries. Brilliant! Finding myself stuck, I thought I’d see what our top losers […]
Zombies Tried to Kill Us
Zombies tried to kill us, but at least the kids were safe. Moral: Send your kids away more often. Last weekend my hubz’ brother came over to hang out and have some beers. The kids were both gone — the little was at her father’s house, and the big was out somewhere with his […]
A Guide to Living With Zombies
I am so excited about this post today! First, because it is about Zombies, which is fkn awesome. Second, because it provides excellent tips on Zombie survival. And third — the best reason of all — it is brought to you by a really funny blogger, my new friend The Anon Bloggers. You should def. […]