So, today is a Federal Holiday – President’s Day. Which is actually Presidents’ Day – apostrophe AFTER the “s” rather than prior, since the holiday refers to ALL them guys, not just one. But that’s wrong, too. It’s actually not either of these things. It’s legally designated on all federal places of notice as being […]
Perseverance on Valentine’s Day

Oh. My. God. We made Valentines. There were only like 25, but it felt more like 5,000,000,000. Partly because after the first one, I was like, “I’m done.” But also because after the fifth one, my 8yo daughter was like, “I’m done.” Every month my daughter’s school concentrates on a different virtue. Last month’s […]
What’s Up Wenzday 02/13/13 — Valentine Edition!
What’s Up Wenzday Point #1: A Note of Clarification — February is great for, like, love and shit like that. But it sucks major donkey balls with regard to energy and motivation and personal growth and related types of activities. February is, like, “I am grey, I thrive on your personal joy, and I eat […]