Beavercreek Walmart Shooting Beavercreek is in the Greater Dayton Area. Greater than what? I don’t know. It’s just called that. There’s “Dayton” like, the city of, and then there’s all the surrounding bits and ‘burbs, and those are collectively considered Greater Dayton. I guess it’s a fancy-pants way of referring to urban sprawl. I’m not […]
Lackeys – #AtoZChallenge

This post contains 4 glittery term(s): bitch, fucking, pissed, shit. Lackeys – #AtoZChallenge Secondary characters are important. Which is all well and good, but I am having a difficult time devoting the proper enthusiasm and attention to mine. Obviously this is a bad, horrible, awful thing. It’s just that I don’t want to talk about […]
The key to great writing – #AtoZChallenge

This post contains 4 glittery term(s): fkn, hell, shit, shitty. The key to great writing – #AtoZChallenge The Key to ALL the things: We often speak of the key to happiness, or the key to success, or the key to one’s heart, or the key to sanity, or the key to life. We use the […]
Inciting Incident – #AtoZChallenge

This post contains 4 glittery term(s): ass, bitchy, pissed, shit. Inciting Incident – #AtoZChallenge What is an inciting incident? To incite means to stir, encourage, urge, stimulate, provoke, or prompt to action, so an inciting incident is an event which does these things. For example, if I spill several billion dollars out the window of […]
Art for Art’s Sake – #AtoZChallenge
This post contains 6 glittery terms: damn, fuck, fkn, hell, motherfucker, shit. Art for Art’s Sake – #AtoZChallenge What IS Art for Art’s Sake? the [philosophy that the] intrinsic value of art, and the only “true” art, is divorced from any didactic [instructional], moral or utilitarian function ~ Wikipedia But writers almost always write with a […]
My characters hate their names. HELP! #IWSG #ROW80

My characters hate their names. HELP! I thought I could ignore the problem. When I first began writing this lengthy tale, I couldn’t settle on nomenclatures. This seemed an unimportant detail, and just another reason to delay diving in. So I slapped temporary titles on my people and told them I’d get them settled later. […]
NaNoWriMo and the Holiday Blues – #NaNoWriMo

It’s week 4 of National Novel Writing Month. By the time you read this, I’m supposed to be at 40k words. I haven’t even hit 30k. That’s a problem you guys. A big, huge turkey of a problem. I’ve basically set myself up to where I have to write at least 5,000 words every day […]
10 Things I Hate About My Plot – #NaNoWriMo