Beavercreek Walmart Shooting Beavercreek is in the Greater Dayton Area. Greater than what? I don’t know. It’s just called that. There’s “Dayton” like, the city of, and then there’s all the surrounding bits and ‘burbs, and those are collectively considered Greater Dayton. I guess it’s a fancy-pants way of referring to urban sprawl. I’m not […]
We need diverse books because rainbows beat monochrome.

We need diverse books because rainbows beat monochrome. The We Need Diverse Books Campaign was May 1-3. I am sad I missed this event. But the truth is, even though the event has technically passed, still… we need diverse books. So let’s talk about that, and why this campaign is so awesome. We need diverse books […]
My characters hate their names. HELP! #IWSG #ROW80

My characters hate their names. HELP! I thought I could ignore the problem. When I first began writing this lengthy tale, I couldn’t settle on nomenclatures. This seemed an unimportant detail, and just another reason to delay diving in. So I slapped temporary titles on my people and told them I’d get them settled later. […]