In which Fucking February is no more. #ROW80 #IWSG #NaNoPrep Whut. Does the term “Fucking February” offend your delicate person? HAVE YOU EVEN MET ME. Moving on… January was pretty terrific in terms of how well I lived up to my 2016 One Word Theme {FOCUS} but the following month — what I refer to as […]
The Story Bible 2: Briefs & Summaries – #NaNoPrep #NaNoWriMo

The Story Bible 2: Briefs & Summaries In a previous post I introduced the idea of The Story Bible, and explained that I have broken mine down into five various sections. The Story Bible Part 1: Vows & Goals The Story Bible Part2: Briefs & Summaries The Story Bible Part 3: Plots & Outlines The […]
The Story Bible 1: Vows & Goals – #NaNoPrep #NaNoWriMo

The Story Bible 1: Vows & Goals We are in the midst of NaNo Prep and the insanity is almost tangible. I have been cruising around the NaNoWriMo forums, making a nuisance of myself, adding thoughts and opinions like the Easter Bunny drops jelly beans. More than yapping, however, I have been picking up lots […]
Magic Eight Ball – #ROW80 #NaNoPrep

I have a Magic Eight Ball The Magic Eight Ball sits upon my desk. It used to belong to my son, but almost-22-year-olds know everything and no longer need magic in their lives. That’s fine, dude. Whatever. You loved that thing back when you were ten, but I don’t mind storing it, along with all the other non-magical items you […]
Autumnal New Beginnings
I have been thinking a lot about New Beginnings. I am a big fan of Clean Slates, Fresh Starts, and New Beginnings. Mondays provide this feeling on a weekly basis, and I awaken every week with a sense of renewed vigor to pay special attention to my schedule. The first day of any month offers […]
Camp NaNoWriMo is a thing. #NaNoWriMo #CampNaNoWriMo

Camp NaNoWriMo is a thing I didn’t do. Yep, even though I said I was gonna do Camp NaNoWriMo back in April, I didn’t. I’m a liar like that. Big, fat liar-pants. I did lying. I lied. I engaged in {un}willful lie-ness. Okay, lying implies malice. I wasn’t being malicious, therefore I wasn’t lying, per se. […]
What’s Up Wenzday 05/14/14 – #AtoZChallenge – #Womanhood – #ROW80
What’s Up Wenzday 05/14/14 – #AtoZChallenge – #Womanhood – #ROW80 What’s Up Wenzday #1: AtoZChallenge… NaNoWriMo Thought I forgot my promise to complete the A to Z Blogging Challenge? Ha! NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which takes place every November. During those 30 days, writers ‘round the world promise to produce at least […]
NaNoWriMo and the Holiday Blues – #NaNoWriMo

It’s week 4 of National Novel Writing Month. By the time you read this, I’m supposed to be at 40k words. I haven’t even hit 30k. That’s a problem you guys. A big, huge turkey of a problem. I’ve basically set myself up to where I have to write at least 5,000 words every day […]
10 Things I Hate About My Plot – #NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo Ate My Soul. – #NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo ate my soul… And I’m only just talking about it now that I’m halfway through my second week. This is the time during which participants of the 30-day writing challenge known as National Novel Writing Month question why they thought this would be a good idea. From their helpful “Guide to Week Two” update: […]
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