In which Fucking February is no more. #ROW80 #IWSG #NaNoPrep Whut. Does the term “Fucking February” offend your delicate person? HAVE YOU EVEN MET ME. Moving on… January was pretty terrific in terms of how well I lived up to my 2016 One Word Theme {FOCUS} but the following month — what I refer to as […]
And that’s when shit got real – An ode to Depression.
And that’s when shit got real – An ode to Depression. I had a post all written up for today entitled “Why I homeschool my kid” but then things and life and sad events and reasons happened and now I can’t post that because if I do it’ll look all retaliatory and rude and argumentative […]
I Don’t Have Time for That Shit.
I Don’t Have Time for That Shit. I like to write. I haven’t done it much in the last six months; I have been working through some shit that needed working. And I think I have come to a good place. A place to begin again, with a clean slate, on a fresh start. I […]
Have a dead mermaid for January 2016 #IWSG + #ROW80

Have a dead mermaid for January 2016 #IWSG + #ROW80 The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Last year was not lucrative insofar as words written, projects completed, or life lived. I pretty much held on daily […]
Stop yelling at Robin Williams!

Stop yelling at Robin Williams! There are lots of people yelling at Robin Williams. I don’t get it. I really don’t. The guy suffered Depression, which is horribly sad, and it pushed him to commit suicide, which is tragic on so many levels. And most people have been talking about how awful it is. Because […]
I just can’t even.
I just can’t even respond to this properly, and I’m a mess. I want to scream, “Why did you do it? WHY?” But I can’t. Because I kind of know why. I mean, I think I do. Insofar as I understand mental illness, and I know what it feels like to lose one’s mind, and […]
Anxiety Attacks are Aholes, you guys.
1. Anxiety Attacks are Aholes because… …they usually occur out of the blue with zero warning. Like today. There I was, sitting at my computer, doing computer-ish types of things, minding my own business. I was trying to figure out how to re-blog a post from Triberr, and that bitch hit me out of nowhere. […]
What’s Up Wenzday 02/27/13 — Handcuffed Moxy Edition!

What’s Up Wenzday Point #1: A Note of Clarification — Found my Moxy. What a whore. You just wouldn’t even believe what that gurl has been up to. Thank goodness, we found her in the nick-of-time, and she is safe and sound, locked back into place. I won’t say the handcuffs will hold indefinitely, because […]
SAD Wars, Return of the Depression, and Fucking February fights back
Depression visits during the Holidays just like extended family. At first I thought this was just a leftover holiday bland feeling. I always get bark-ish and bite-ish around Xmas because it’s so stressful for me. I’m socio-phobic and seek solitude for the most part, which I realize isn’t healthy. So logically I look forward to […]
Bullying, Depression, Suicide — I mean, Survival
Bullying, Depression, Suicide — Survival This post is going to contain spoilers for GLEE Season 3 Episode 14: “On My Way”. I’m sorry. I don’t typically talk about a show or its impact on me. That would really not be my style, because — TV? Not an important, rant-y topic that gets me going. Especially […]
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