This post contains 6 glittery terms: damn, fuck, fkn, hell, motherfucker, shit. Art for Art’s Sake – #AtoZChallenge What IS Art for Art’s Sake? the [philosophy that the] intrinsic value of art, and the only “true” art, is divorced from any didactic [instructional], moral or utilitarian function ~ Wikipedia But writers almost always write with a […]
Epiphanies {Part 2}

Epiphanies {Part 2} I had a couple epiphanies. I had two specific unexpected insights a couple weeks ago – something Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project might refer to as A Secret of Adulthood. The first of my Epiphanies was discussed last week. The second of my epiphanies was equally powerful. With regard to my […]
Epiphanies {Part 1}
Epiphanies {Part 1} I had a couple Epiphanies. I had two specific unexpected insights a couple weeks ago – something Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project might refer to as “A Secret of Adulthood”. One of those epiphanies you might have heard a thousand times but didn’t really understand… …until suddenly it applies to you […]