I have noticed three sorts of Race Camp in the Trayvon case:
Race Camp #1: The White Supremacist Race Camp
I haven’t found a single minority in this camp. The members of the White Supremacist Race Camp tend to be hateful trolls who get all attack-ish and offensive on other people’s blogs, say things like,
“Our system is the best in the world and it totally worked just fine so get over it!”
“You weren’t there so you can’t know what really happened so being mad about it is crap so get over it!”
“Trayvon was a punk who deserved what he got so get over it!”
The White Supremacist Race Camp is very nasty and I discount everything they say. I’m sure one of those white supremacist trolls will pop up in my comments section here any second. I’m counting on the rest of you fine, decent folks to set them straight. Because fuck racism, and fuck you if you’re a racist.
Also? Fuck going on someone else’s blog and being an utter asshat. I’ll admit I did that once myself {I don’t want to be accused of hypocrisy here, so I’m coming clean}. I ranted in Penelope Trunk’s comment section. Then I got over myself and stopped reading her inflammatory material since, while much of it was really decent and informative, the rest of it only served to piss me off. I’m going for a kinder, gentler Andi-Roo — one who isn’t mad all the time — so I quit her. I suggest the same for you if my shit makes you put on your angry eyes.
But whatever. Racist fucks will always be around because ignorance is easier than education. It’s hard work to become enlightened, and you can’t expect lazy pieces of shit to put forth the effort. If it wasn’t skin color, it would be something else. Hate trumps love, darkness kills the light, and evil will always outnumber the good guys. I’ll win no arguments here against racism, because (a) those types of crap-brains aren’t reading my blog, and (b) you can’t out-logic a dumb-dumb.
Race Camp #2: The Empathetic Race Camp
This group believes that, YES, the case was bullshit, and the verdict was a tragedy, and the system is fucked, and the entire thing was racially motivated, and no justice was served. I tend to fall into this Race Camp. We’ve all read the “why’s and what’s” of this Race Camp so I’ma stop here.
I lied. I’m not gonna stop here. Because how the fuck is it right that someone can antagonize a kid and then shoot him/her when things don’t go as expected? We preach all about standing up to bullies in this nation, yet beating the shit out of his oppressor in this particular case only got the kid murdered.
I’ve always told my son not to throw the first punch, but to take care of business and END IT if someone else makes the mistake of hitting him first. Now I have to rethink that strategy. Basically, what I have learned from this case is that, since he is not white, my son should lie down and take the beating because if he stands up for himself, he will end up dead.
The bullies win. Case closed.
Race Camp #3: The “My Hands Are Tied” Race Camp
This group attempts to hide behind logic. Normally, I’d be in this one, because I like to consider myself objective and able to pull myself out of the emotions surrounding a situation. But I can’t. The members of this Race Camp say things like,
“Yeah, the case was definitely bullshit, and likely involved racial components, but the jury did come to the correct conclusion under {shitty} Florida law.”
I could sympathize with this camp, except…
Except that claim is bullshit, based on the number of other cases that DON’T hide behind shitty laws. What I’m getting out of this is, depending upon your financial status, loopholes may or may not be made available to you. Your bank account determines how much your lawyer gives a shit, how hard s/he tries to defend you, and how sympathetic the jury will be. A good lawyer is expensive, which is heartbreaking, because only a good lawyer is willing to put in the work to get you off the hook.
Here’s the thing. It’s fine to say that the laws are stupid and thus the jury’s hands were tied – but only if that is true for EVERY CASE EVER. You can’t just pull this story out when it’s convenient. If you are in this camp, that means you believe that EVERY VERDICT EVER is just. And if you believe that, you’re a silly moron. Or a sad moron with rose-tinted glasses who believes this is the best of all possible worlds {read Voltaire’s CANDIDE to better understand this reference}.
This is a pretty good country. I’m grateful to live here. Moreover, I’m grateful I was born here and didn’t have to work my way {either legally or illegally} into being an American citizen. I enjoy the privilege of a free education for me and my kids. I enjoy my public library {also free} and the ability to dial 911 in an emergency and indoor plumbing and a public pool. I love America.
But there is a whole lot wrong with it. I love my family, too, but I would never be so blinded by love that I’d think there’s nothing wrong with any of us. Love doesn’t mean there aren’t imperfections, or that you should overlook flaws.
Love means wanting what’s best for the party about which you care. If you really love someone, you want to help them grow into the best possible version of themselves. You foster their hopes and dreams, and encourage them to ditch bad habits. You support their evolution toward a better self.
America has a lot of growing left to do. Shitty laws are just the beginning. But worse than shitty laws are the people who use them to get away with murder. And even worse than that? The devils who sigh,
“That’s JUST the way it is.”
Because sure, they’re right, that *IS* the way it is. But there’s nothing “JUST” about it. We can do better, you guys. Which Race Camp are you in?
{Hint: The correct answer is Race Camp #2.}
[…] talked about race last week {see my post “Race Camp”}, but this week I want to hit rewind and talk about gun control. Or, more specifically, the […]