I have seen so many comments about how people “have” to get Christmas gifts for people, and how stressful and expensive this is, and how they can’t wait till they’re done.
That’s fucking ridiculous, you guys.
If shopping for Christmas gifts is a chore, you’re doing it wrong.
1. You don’t “have” to get Christmas gifts for anyone.
Screw societal or familial expectations.
If you’re a grown-ass adult, act like one.
If you buy presents for people, it’s not because you “have” to.
It’s because you’re too much of a wuss to say NO.
The problem is YOU.
If you don’t wanna do it, don’t.
It’s just not that difficult.
2. If you can’t afford Christmas gifts, don’t buy them.
It’s stupid to spend money you don’t have on shit no one wants anyway.
Do you think the gift’s recipient would enjoy knowing you had to take out a loan to give them the thing they are exchanging?
Don’t put presents on credit.
Don’t go beyond your means.
Don’t do bad maths.
3. Christmas should not be stressful.
Christmas should be fun and exciting and special and awesome.
If it’s not, then sing Jingle Bell Rock at the top of your lungs and throw up a middle finger toward anyone who gives you funny looks about it.
If you have social anxiety, shop for Christmas gifts from home.
There’s this awesome thing called Amazon, and what’s even more cool is that if you go Prime then you get free shipping. But even without Prime, you only have to spend maybe $35 to qualify for free shipping, anyway.
If you can’t decide what to get someone and THAT’S what is pushing your buttons, pick a theme. I go with books. That’s what I get everyone. And they know to expect it.
A long time ago I used to get calendars for everyone. But it wasn’t quite me, so it never felt right. I’m a reader and a writer so DUH.
Find what works for you and never sway.
Maybe you’re a purse-loving fool. I’m not, but okay, maybe you are. Then go pick out bags and totes and crap like that for everyone. You’ll be able to pick the PERFECT item if you go with something that YOU love and want to share with others.
4. Stop saying you can’t wait till Christmas is over.
It’s negative and shitty.
Not only are you bringing down everyone around you, you’re bringing down YOURSELF.
Having seasonal depression is one thing – I suffer that, as do many people I know.
Not making an effort to deal with it?
That’s on you.
Happy is a choice. If you aren’t happy, figure out what the problem is. Get counseling. Read self-help books. Join clubs. Get on medication.
I’m not saying that deciding to be happy will magically cause you to “all of a sudden” be filled to bursting with joy.
I AM, however, saying that you can choose to lie there or you can choose to make a call.
Look, you guys. We are broke.

Our first thought at Christmas season is our kids. If we feel they are taken care of – and trust, there are certain things we WANT to get them {games and DVDs} plus certain things we NEED to get them {clothes} –only then do we look to getting Christmas gifts for ourselves.
And usually it’s just a couple books we pick out together because we are goobers like that.
Our next “obligation” isn’t an obligation, because we only buy Christmas gifts for people we love. My sister’s kids mean everything to us – my sister’s house is like our second home and her kids are just our children on loan. Seriously – I think I’m listed as their guardian should anything happen to my sister and her husband, and while we hope it’s never necessary to find out, to us it’s a given that we would take them in, because they are already basically ours anyway.
Anyway, I am known as their “Book Aunt” because I give them books for birthdays and Christmas. I like that they like this setup. Sometimes I get them books I want them to read, but just as often I get them books that I know they want.
This year we are in the fortunate position to extend that circle and get Christmas gifts for my sister and her husband. It was so exciting to pick out books for them, things I know they want and will enjoy reading.
I even ordered something for my BFF. She’s a reader and a writer, too, just like me, so that was SUPER fun!
Know who I’m NOT buying Christmas gifts for?
Basically everyone else.
If they have a problem with that, they don’t deserve a gift anyway.
I don’t do obligation gifting.
It’s senseless serves only to piss me off.
My money, my time.
Nobody’s in charge of that but me.
The rest of you can suck it.
Happy Holidays, bitches!