1 – Accept other races
Things you’ll have to give up:
- Confederate Flags
- Support for George Zimmerman
- Opposition to the Dream Act
- Opposition to Affirmative Action
**BONUS – We will present you with an American Flag upon completion of step one (inquire about details in the comments!)
2 – Realize that Christianity isn’t the only religion or belief
Things you’ll have to give up:
- Muslim Bashing
- Athiest Bashing
- Jewish bashing
- Really any religious bashing
**BONUS – You’ll get a lot less dirty looks from people
3 – Forget about Sarah Palin
Things you’ll have to give up:
- Palin’s bid for the Presidency
- Palin’s books
- Palin’s Facebook page
- I promise… you won’t miss her
**BONUS – This will finally be funny to you!
4 – Stop Watching Fox News (or simply consider using more than one news source)
Things you’ll have to give up:
- Glenn Beck
- Sean Hannity
- Depending on one news agency to feed you lies
- Never hearing the liberal point of view
**BONUS – OK Go does concerts in NPR studios! Just one of many reasons why seeking “other” news sources is awesome.
5 – Understand that “Trickle Down” doesn’t actually work

A BIG thanks to John Garrett for this image! Check out more of his work @ http://hypertransitory.com/
Be sure to click on this image to appreciate the humor even more!
Things you’ll have to give up:
- Reaganomics
- Ayn Rand
- Belief that corporations are people
- Laissez-faire
**BONUS – You may realize that livable wages and some government oversight on corporations can actually be a good thing!