I am a big fat clown. I come from a long line of clowns. Okay, not really. I only come from ONE clown. My mom. Yes, for realz. My mom was a clown. She wore a clown suit and clown makeup and a clown nose and she acted like a clown. She even started a […]
Memories: sometimes there is pee.
Memories should be doody-free. Sometimes kids are sweet. “Can I sleep with you tonight, Mommy? I want to snuggle you.” Aw, how adorable, right? I will admit it – I usually say yes. Not all the time, not every week. But the snuggling does happen. I just can’t always say NO to that cute-ness. Any […]
I just can’t even.
I just can’t even respond to this properly, and I’m a mess. I want to scream, “Why did you do it? WHY?” But I can’t. Because I kind of know why. I mean, I think I do. Insofar as I understand mental illness, and I know what it feels like to lose one’s mind, and […]
Facebook is hard, you guys.
Facebook is hard for me. But not for the same reasons that Pinterest is hard for me. And thanks to some helpful feedback, Pinterest isn’t really that hard for me anymore. I still would never have gone there on my own, mind you, but I don’t hate it so much anymore. It isn’t quite as […]
Anxiety Attacks are Aholes, you guys.
1. Anxiety Attacks are Aholes because… …they usually occur out of the blue with zero warning. Like today. There I was, sitting at my computer, doing computer-ish types of things, minding my own business. I was trying to figure out how to re-blog a post from Triberr, and that bitch hit me out of nowhere. […]
My Planet Swiftly Tilted
I had this moment of panic a couple nights ago. I couldn’t remember the name of a very common, pretty classic book for young adults. It’s one we all know. But for the life of me, I could only remember the author {Madeleine L’Engle}, and the less well-known sequel, A Swiftly Tilting Planet. On a […]
Cemeteries Are Grody
I keep reading all these icky updates. Facebook, Twitter, the Blogosphere — it seems like everyone, everywhere is talking about how awesome it was to visit graveyards this past weekend. And it’s giving me the heebs. Not because I’m an unpatriotic asshole (although this may or may not be true, depending upon your definitions of […]
I Gave Birth to Aliens.
No, not really, obvs. But I could have. You don’t know. It’s totally possible that I gave birth to aliens. I mean, it’s not entirely unbelievable. It might have happened. Here’s what how it went down. Last week I developed this painful pimple-thing on the back of my neck. I know, I know, TMI. […]
SAD Wars, Return of the Depression, and Fucking February fights back
Depression visits during the Holidays just like extended family. At first I thought this was just a leftover holiday bland feeling. I always get bark-ish and bite-ish around Xmas because it’s so stressful for me. I’m socio-phobic and seek solitude for the most part, which I realize isn’t healthy. So logically I look forward to […]
Triberr is a blog amplification platform, not a place for private clubs.
Apologies: A follow-up. You may recall I recently wrote about the lack of apologies we seem to be moving toward as a culture, and how this is severely hampering our likelihood of taking responsibility for mistakes. It would appear I’m not done with the topic. Last week a discussion began on the bulletin board of […]