win at Facebook and now I love Facebook.
I know I’m pretty late to this phenomenon, but I figure the party don’t start till I walk in, right? And I have only recently begun playing around with them. I tend to be slow at picking up new trends. That’s because usually your trends are pretty fucking stupid, you guys. No offense.
Well, maybe a LITTLE bit of offense. But only because I love you and want what’s best for you. And liking stupid shit is not in your best interest. So grow up and stop liking stupid shit, m-kay?
Anyway, Bitstrips win at Facebook.
Don’t make me weep, you guys.
They are awesome and I approve of them. However, I notice they aren’t quite a trend yet. So while I might be late to the party… I’m still ahead of most of you. And that’s a problem. Because what I’m seeing is that maybe you have decided this isn’t going to be a trend. Which is shitty of you. So I’m going to put this out there and hope it catches and HEY FUCK YOU, GUY IN THE BACK LEAVING THE ROOM, I CAN SEE YOU, YOU A-HOLE, GET BACK IN HERE AND MAKE A BITSTRIP, MOTHERFUCKER.
If you haven’t yet heard of this new app-thing, let me be the first to tell you, you’re seriously missing out! You should totally do this. You will thank me.
Bitstrips win at Facebook because…
It’s a cartoon selfie! Kind of like creating your Sims character, or your Nintendo Mii, this activity takes you back to the days of paper dolls. Creating your own Bitstrip image is fun because you can make it resemble how you REALLY look, how you WISH to look, or any combination thereof.
My Bitstrip avatar displays my chubby frame, which is true-to-life.
But – unlike reality – my avatar also has pink hair, wears her glasses at all times, and keeps a set of headphones over her ears.
I’m a round, adorably obnoxious hermit. It works for me.
Bitstrips win at Facebook because…
It’s an instant photo bomb! You make your image, and then the program sticks “you” into various scenes and backgrounds. And the majority of them are pretty damn hilarious. Or at least mildly amusing. You don’t have to know WTF you’re doing, because there is no work involved. Once you have created your avatar, you can choose different comic strips which convey your mood, an event, a joke, or… well… just about anything!
Today I woke up motivated to go for a jog {if you know me at all, this is kind of a big deal}. So I found a comic strip in which my avatar is taking a bite out of the world, and I used that to show that I am taking on a major challenge. I didn’t have to create a single part of it! Bitstrips placed my avatar in that scene, so all I had to do was share it on Facebook.
Bitstrips win at Facebook because…
The whole gang can do it! Thus far, not very many of my friends have bothered to make Bitstrip avatars.
Which is a pity, because I have seen some great scenes I’d like to share with them.
There IS an option to make avatars FOR your friends, but I’m not doing that. To me, half the fun of the thing is making your avatar reflect YOU, and no one else is going to be able to capture that.
Besides, I’d probably end up making someone too fat or too short, and then they would hate me forever over a stupid cartoon.
Currently my sister is one of the few people in my “gang” of Bitstrip characters. Thus far, I have saved her from aliens, and she has returned the favor by saving me from zombies.
Only in cartoon land would this be funny for either of us.
Bitstrips win at Facebook because…
It’s creativity for the creatively-bereft. Some of us need shortcuts, okay? Some of us don’t have what it takes to make fancy art. We can’t all be good at that shit. I mean, geezy, you guys. I only just learned how to use WordPress properly. And I still don’t understand the purpose of Dropbox, or see the functionality of Evernote.
I’m challenged. This shit is hard for me. I’m not good at computer-ish types of things. I write the words, and even THAT is a stretch, most days.
So get off me.
Bitstrips win at Facebook BUT…
Bitstrips would be a lot more enjoyable if the rest of you made your own avatars so I could play paper dolls with your characters in my own comic strips. So consider this a call to action.
Get your ass in gear.
Move it.