This is a Disclaimer. I took a year away from blogging for personal reasons. There were legal matters with which to contend; moving from a … [Read More...]

An Open-Letter Rant Regarding the Arbitrivial Nature of Human Beings.
This is a Disclaimer. I took a year away from blogging for personal reasons. There were legal matters with which to contend; moving from a … [Read More...]
In which Fucking February is no more. #ROW80 #IWSG #NaNoPrep Whut. Does the term "Fucking February" offend your delicate person? HAVE YOU … [Read More...]
Oscar Prep #2 Forty-two films were nominated for at least one Oscar this year. Which is cool, because, you know, 42 is the answer to Life, the … [Read More...]
I know I have not yet completed the AtoZ Challenge, and thus am not yet technically qualified to enter my opinion with … [Read More...]
Context is dead… And I killed it. Or maybe I didn’t. I don’t fucking know, and at this point, I don’t fucking care. … [Read More...]
I have seen so many comments about how people “have” to get Christmas gifts for people, and how stressful and expensive … [Read More...]
Don’t be shitty… re: party games. I am that wallflower that is too scared to join in. It’s so annoying to the other … [Read More...]
Focus. {January: Morning Routine} #ROW80 New Year. New resolutions. Bah. Humbug. I am over resolutions. I never … [Read More...]
I have been thinking a lot about New Beginnings. I am a big fan of Clean Slates, Fresh Starts, and New … [Read More...]
My Happiness Project: Z is for Zest The AtoZ Challenge means posting every day in April except Sundays, which leaves … [Read More...]
What's the haps? Before my trip to the hospital, I began writing a piece about how I get my world news. It was going to … [Read More...]
It’s just Facebook. I have been told for the absolute LAST time, It’s just Facebook. Because that statement is … [Read More...]
I don’t like the new Twitter look. There. I said it. Probably not the first, and probably not the last, but at least … [Read More...]
Profile Image You need to have a profile image. So, why don’t you have one, weirdo? I’m not talking about … [Read More...]
Happy Banned Books Week! I don't think I will ever get over the horror I felt when I first learned that people actually … [Read More...]
Quiet! Shut Your Face! 1. We are at my sister's house hanging out. I say something silly, and my sister laughs … [Read More...]
So now that we have reached the half-year mark – this being the last day of June – I should probably do a check-in on … [Read More...]
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