What’s Up Wenzday Point #1:
A note of clarification:
For a long, long time I got in trouble for pointing this out. I got depressed over it (along with a myriad of other issues), but then I got angry. And after I figured out that there’s not much that can be done to cure mass suck-age, I thought, “FUCK IT,” and decided to write about it.
Actually, the conversation went more like this:
Hubz: “You are funny when you’re angry.”
Me: “Don’t placate me. I will punch you in the nose.”
Hubz: “No, seriously. Your anger makes me laugh. WAIT! Don’t hit me. That was a wrong choice of words. I meant to say, you say funny things when you’re angry, and those funny things make me laugh. And I love you. Please stop punching me.”
Me: “Make the world stop being stupid.”
Hubz: “Well, okay, no. But you should write this stuff down. If even one person besides me laughs, then I will be proven right. YOU. ARE. FUNNY.”
So really, that’s when I thought, “FUCK IT.”
That’s what this blog is about. Me, venting. Sometimes I can put a funny spin on it, and that’s great. Other times, I can’t seem to find any humor in society’s perpetual ass-ity. And that’s great, too. Because either way, I’ve got material. And I’m not beating up on my hubz.
I hope no one falls under the false impression that I’m willing to cater to any one specific crowd beyond myself. I’m here to please ME. And my hubz, who thinks I’m funny.
What’s Up Wenzday Point #2:
My Happiness Project
Okay, so people suck. But there’s no reason I have to be so damn unhappy all the time. Part of my self-healing is finding ways to be happy. It’s a choice, an ongoing and purposeful activity.
Toward that end, I’m taking a note from Gretchen Rubin’s blog and creating my very own Happiness Project. As Gretchen insists, “You should have one too!”
Happiness Project Assignment # 1:
Create your own Commandments.
Gretchen lists her Twelve Commandments here . I had mine posted at one point prior to my bloggy-blog explosion — and there were WAY more than twelve — but I’m not sure I’ve re-posted them since that catastrophe. So here they are again (modified from the original thirty-five down to twenty), as a reminder to keep my leaf turned.

I know, I know… I have 20 listed, I just thought this was funny!
Happy is a choice, so pick it and get there.
- The key to doing anything is doing something. – The Dao of Doing
- Make it better, or make it worse.
- Identify flaws & act accordingly.
- Just show up.
- Don’t stop starting.
- Always be yourself, even at great cost.
- Just do it — NOW.
- Speak as gently to yourself as you would to a child.
- Do the Work.
- Sing; don’t worry if it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear.
- “It ain’t gotta be perfect!”
- Perfection is the enemy of progress and productivity.
- “The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.”
- Tomorrow is another day — this too shall pass.
- Everything will be okay.
- Catastrophe now makes a great story later.
- Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
- Smile.
- Take care of you.
Next Wenzday we’ll do Happiness Project Assignment #2. You do it too, ‘kay?
What’s Up Wenzday Point #3:
My Work in Progress
You’ll notice seven of the above Commandments are either (Hubz here… You can thank Google for this one! —> ) highlighted or underlined, depending upon the HTML coding my hubz informs me is not always easy. So I don’t know what they will look like. But there are seven of them. And they should stick out in some fashion.
They jumped out at me because they all remind me of my recent inclination to dive back into my Work in Progress — or my “WIP” as it’s commonly referred to in writing circles but which I find annoying because it sounds pretentious and silly. I shall henceforth refer to my WIP as “wippy-doodle” because that is way more good time-ish.
[[[ NOTE TO SELF & TO CONTENT MANAGER: update vocab page. ]]]
This mode of thought is a big deal, because I recently (see my post “Am I a Writer or a Blogger? Challenge Accepted…) decided that pursuing my DREAM to publish a novel was getting in the way of doing what I LOVE — working on this here bloggy-blog.
But I have ideas for the next section of my wippy-doodle. And I’m really excited to capture them before they slip away like wisps of fog. I don’t want to wait. I want to get them down on paper NOW! Even if it does mean staying up later than usual one night.
I don’t know why I can’t get it through my head that it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing endeavor. It’s not like I have to go pen the entire novel and drop the bloggy-blog in the process. Big duh. So I’ve written another section of my book. Only 775words. One small section of Chapter Two. Because I’m slow. Because I haven’t practiced enough. Because it’s still work, even though it’s work I enjoy.
And that’s what’s up Wenzday. Hope your Hump-Day is full of hump-ish good times. I’d love to hear what’s up with YOUR Wenzday! And don’t forget to share your Personal Commandments with me!
[…] is my #1 mantra. It’s first on my list of Personal Commandments. Sounds totally cheesy, lame, and goofball-ish, I know. But see, I have had issues with […]
[…] Happy is a choice. That’s still my #1 mantra, along with this one: The Key to doing ANYTHING is doing SOMETHING. Last week, per Gretchen Rubin’s blog, I began my Happiness Project by putting together a list of my Personal Commandments: […]
[…] first assignment was to come up with your own list of twelve commandments. My Personal Commandments are fifteen in number, but they make me happy so I’m okay with that. Rules are generally […]
[…] Happiness Project Assignment #1: Create your own list of Personal Commandments. […]
[…] Create a list of rules, mottoes, and/or quotes by which to live. Number ONE on my list of Personal Commandments is “Happy is a choice, so pick it and get […]
[…] 1. Create a list of Personal Commandments. […]
[…] 1. Create a list of Personal Commandments. […]
[…] 1. Create a list of Personal Commandments. […]
[…] Personal Commandments […]
[…] case you didn’t notice, people, I’m still trying to figure it all out. I’ve got my Personal Commandments, and I try to live by them. Other observations I’ve made along the way are as […]
[…] a cynical jaded bitch who tends toward Depression with a capital “D”, but my #1 Personal Commandment is “Happy is a Choice.” So here I attempt on a weekly basis to practice activities which will […]
[…] to NOT follow the examples set before me, and I’m going to instead try really hard to follow my Personal Commandments — particularly the ones that pertain to this […]
[…] A few of my Personal Commandments: […]
[…] “Just show up” is one of my Personal Commandments. […]